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From the Stamp Act to the Tea
Taylor Swift

Explore the key events leading up to the American Revolution and beyond with a cheerful melody in Taylor Swift's latest hit, 'From the Stamp Act to the Tea.' Relive the journey from colonial unrest to independence, capturing the spirit of rebellion with every verse. Perfect for history enthusiasts and fans alike!


Verse 1:
In 1765, the Stamp Act, oh my,
Followed by Declaratory Act, a year went by,
Townshend Duties in '67 came to be,
Tea Act in '73 set the rebels free.

From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
Boston's harbor to decree,
Revolution brewing high,
Underneath the colonial sky.

Verse 2:
Boston Massacre, March 5, '70,
Gaspee burned in '72, that set the spree,
Tea Party in December, '73’s big show,
Coercive Acts in '74, the tension's gonna blow.

From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
Boston's harbor to decree,
Revolution brewing high,
Underneath the colonial sky.

Verse 3:
1st Continental Congress, '74 fall,
Declaration July 4th, Independence for all,
Articles of Confederation, '77 begun,
Ratified in '81, a new nation spun.

Verse 4:
Great Awakening stirred hearts in '30s to '40s,
French & Indian War, '54 to '63,
Albany Congress, '54’s resolve,
Proclamation Line '63, the westward dreams dissolve.

From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
Boston's harbor to decree,
Revolution brewing high,
Underneath the colonial sky.

Verse 5:
Sugar Act in '64, Currency in September,
New York Restraining Act, '67 to remember,
Quebec Act, Intolerable too,
Rights and Grievances declared in '74, it grew.

Verse 6:
Battles of Lexington and Concord, April '75,
2nd Continental Congress kept the fight alive,
Thomas Paine’s "Common Sense", January '76,
Saratoga, Yorktown, the British couldn’t fix.

Verse 7:
Treaty of Paris, '83, the war had ceased,
Olive Branch, Shays’ Rebellion in '86,
Madison, Hamilton, the National Bank '91,
Constitutional Convention, '87's big run.

From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
Boston's harbor to decree,
Revolution brewing high,
Underneath the colonial sky.

Verse 8:
Separation of Powers in '48, Montesquieu's creed,
Connecticut Compromise, '87’s lead,
Compromise on Slavery, three-fifths agreed,
Federalist, Anti-Feds, debating the need.

Verse 9:
Bill of Rights in '91, freedoms enshrined,
Washington, Madison, Hamilton aligned,
Significance of '89, Washington's lead,
Ratification, all 13 agreed.

Verse 10:
Andrew Jackson's rise, '29's new sun,
Calhoun’s nullification, '32's run,
Henry Clay and Whigs, political fun,
Biddle’s Bank, a central institution.

From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
Boston's harbor to decree,
Revolution brewing high,
Underneath the colonial sky.

Verse 11:
Problem of Slavery, a nation’s tear,
Abolition’s rise in '30s clear,
Nat Turner’s Rising, '31’s fear,
Democratic Party, Jackson's cheer.

Verse 12:
Compromise of '50, Fugitive Slave Act passed,
Republican Party, '54 at last,
Tensions growing, states clash,
Bleeding Sumner, Kansas, the Union’s past.

Verse 13:
Dred Scott Decision, '57's plight,
Lincoln-Douglas debates in '58’s light,
John Brown's raid, '59’s fright,
Election of '60, secession in sight.

Verse 14:
Fort Sumter, '61, the Civil War begun,
Southern States seceded, the Union’s undone,
From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
History's web, our legacy.

Chorus (Final):
From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
Boston's harbor to decree,
Revolution brewing high,
Underneath the colonial sky.

Chords not available

Sure! For a track like "From the Stamp Act to the Tea," let's capture a spirited and catchy feel, reflecting both the history and the excitement of the American Revolution. Here's the suggested drum beat and tempo:

Drum Beat and Tempo


132 BPM (Beats Per Minute)
An upbeat pace to keep the energy high.

Verse Drum Pattern:

[ Hi-Hats ]: x---x---x---x--- (Quarter Notes)
[ Snare   ]: ----x-------x--- (On beats 2 and 4)
[ Kick    ]: x-------x------- (On beats 1 and 3)

Chorus Drum Pattern:

[ Hi-Hats ]: x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x- (Eighth Notes)
[ Snare   ]: ----x-------x--- (On beats 2 and 4)
[ Kick    ]: x---x---x---x--- (On every beat)

These patterns should give the song a steady and driving rhythm, providing a consistent foundation for the historical narrative in the lyrics. The transitions between the verse and chorus will be seamless while maintaining a catchy and lively feel throughout the track.

About "From the Stamp Act to the Tea"
  • Song Idea:

    In 1765, the Stamp Act, oh my,
    Followed by Declaratory Act, a year went by,
    Townshend Duties in '67 came to be,
    Tea Act in '73 set the rebels free.

    Boston Massacre, March 5, '70,
    Gaspee burned in '72, that set the spree,
    Tea Party in December, '73’s big show,
    Coercive Acts in '74, the tension's gonna blow.

    From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
    Boston's harbor to decree,
    Revolution brewing high,
    Underneath the colonial sky.

    1st Continental Congress, '74 fall,
    Declaration July 4th, Independence for all,
    Articles of Confederation, '77 begun,
    Ratified in '81, a new nation spun.

    Great Awakening stirred hearts in '30s to '40s,
    French & Indian War, '54 to '63,
    Albany Congress, '54’s resolve,
    Proclamation Line '63, the westward dreams dissolve.

    From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
    Boston's harbor to decree,
    Revolution brewing high,
    Underneath the colonial sky.

    Sugar Act in '64, Currency in September,
    New York Restraining Act, '67 to remember,
    Quebec Act, Intolerable too,
    Rights and Grievances declared in '74, it grew.

    Battles of Lexington and Concord, April '75,
    2nd Continental Congress kept the fight alive,
    Thomas Paine’s "Common Sense", January '76,
    Saratoga, Yorktown, the British couldn’t fix.

    Treaty of Paris, '83, the war had ceased,
    Olive Branch, Shays’ Rebellion in '86,
    Madison, Hamilton, the National Bank '91,
    Constitutional Convention, '87's big run.

    From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
    Boston's harbor to decree,
    Revolution brewing high,
    Underneath the colonial sky.

    Separation of Powers in '48, Montesquieu's creed,
    Connecticut Compromise, '87’s lead,
    Compromise on Slavery, three-fifths agreed,
    Federalist, Anti-Feds, debating the need.

    Bill of Rights in '91, freedoms enshrined,
    Washington, Madison, Hamilton aligned,
    Significance of '89, Washington's lead,
    Ratification, all 13 agreed.

    Andrew Jackson's rise, '29's new sun,
    Calhoun’s nullification, '32's run,
    Henry Clay and Whigs, political fun,
    Biddle’s Bank, a central institution.

    From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
    Boston's harbor to decree,
    Revolution brewing high,
    Underneath the colonial sky.

    Problem of Slavery, a nation’s tear,
    Abolition’s rise in '30s clear,
    Nat Turner’s Rising, '31’s fear,
    Democratic Party, Jackson's cheer.

    Compromise of '50, Fugitive Slave Act passed,
    Republican Party, '54 at last,
    Tensions growing, states clash,
    Bleeding Sumner, Kansas, the Union’s past.

    Dred Scott Decision, '57's plight,
    Lincoln-Douglas debates in '58’s light,
    John Brown's raid, '59’s fright,
    Election of '60, secession in sight.

    Fort Sumter, '61, the Civil War begun,
    Southern States seceded, the Union’s undone,
    From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
    History's web, our legacy.

    From the Stamp Act to the Tea,
    Boston's harbor to decree,
    Revolution brewing high,
    Underneath the colonial sky.

  • Artist Inspiration:

    Taylor Swift

  • Created: June 10, 2024
  • Views: 33