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Eyes Averted
The Enchanted Quartet

In 'Eyes Averted,' a noblewoman grapples with her emotions as she witnesses her stoic orc bodyguard bathing in a serene lake. The contrast between their worlds and the noblewoman's struggle to suppress her feelings creates an enchanting narrative filled with passion and complexity. This beautifully woven tale explores themes of desire, admiration, and the delicate dance of propriety amidst raw strength.


Verse 1:
In the forest where the shadows intertwine,
A noblewoman gazes, her heart a tangled line.
Her bodyguard, an orc, fierce and proud,
Washes the blood of battles, beneath the shroud.

Oh, avert your eyes, don’t let your thoughts run wild,
For in the sight of her strength, my heart feels like a child.
Nature whispers secrets, as I push the dreams away,
In the rustling leaves, I'll let my worries play.

Verse 2:
The water sparkles bright, like stars against her skin,
Muscles taut and gleaming, a warrior born to win.
I shift my gaze, to the bugs upon the tree,
Insects weaving stories, to distract the heart’s decree.

Oh, avert your eyes, don’t let your thoughts run wild,
For in the sight of her strength, my heart feels like a child.
Nature whispers secrets, as I push the dreams away,
In the rustling leaves, I'll let my worries play.

Yet every drop cascades, a dance of pure delight,
Her form a perfect vision, in the morning light.
I find solace in the mundane, in the world so small,
As the orc bathes in glory, I feel my cage enthrall.

Verse 3:
But in each quiet glance, there’s a tempest in my soul,
A yearning for the thunder, a craving for control.
I trace the lines of nature, as the sun begins to fade,
Finding peace in distraction, in the games that I have played.

Oh, avert your eyes, don’t let your thoughts run wild,
For in the sight of her strength, my heart feels like a child.
Nature whispers secrets, as I push the dreams away,
In the rustling leaves, I'll let my worries play.

So I’ll turn my gaze towards the sky, let the moment pass,
A noblewoman’s heart, caught in an orc’s bold laugh.
For as she bathes and thrives, I’ll hide in shadows deep,
In this world of stoic strength, my secret I must keep.

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About "Eyes Averted"
  • Song Idea:

    A noblewoman has to advert her eyes and suppress her inappropriate thoughts on her stoic orc woman bodyguard as she baths herself in a lake. The bodyguard orc is very tall and muscular, and has to wash all the blood and gore off her body from her previous fight. The noblewoman is so flustered by her body, that she distracts herself with watching bugs on a tree........

  • Created: October 18, 2024
  • Views: 2