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Whispers of Yesterday
The Lost Brothers

A heartfelt ballad that takes listeners on a nostalgic journey through the eyes of a middle-aged man reflecting on the joyous and reckless days of his youth spent with friends in a small town. As he reminisces about carefree weekends filled with friendship, music, and mischief, a sense of melancholy develops, revealing the inevitable distance that time and life's choices can impose on cherished relationships.


Verse 1:
Sittin' here on this old porch swing,
Thinking 'bout the trouble that we’d bring,
In that small town where we used to roam,
Every alley felt just like a second home.

Oh, the nights we’d light up the sky,
Laughing, drinking, never questioning why,
Those moments, wild and so free,
Just a band of brothers, you and me.

Verse 2:
Eddie’s car with the scratched-up seats,
Takin' our chances on those summer streets,
Sneakin' beers down by the old lakeside,
Screaming our dreams with the river as our guide.

Oh, the nights we’d light up the sky,
Laughing, drinking, never questioning why,
Those moments, wild and so free,
Just a band of brothers, you and me.

But time, it creeps in like a thief,
Takes your hand and asks for belief,
We drift apart with each new road,
Carryin’ memories like a heavy load.

Verse 3:
Camping beneath the stars so bright,
Playing our tunes into the night,
Girls laughing softly, stealing our hearts,
We thought those days would never part.

Oh, the nights we’d light up the sky,
Laughing, drinking, never questioning why,
Those moments, wild and so free,
Just a band of brothers, you and me.

Verse 4:
Now I see shadows on these empty roads,
Friends scattered like the autumn leaves’ codes,
Our lives got busy, took us different ways,
Leaving behind just ghostly plays.

And in my chest, there’s a hollow ache,
A tragedy woven in the choices we make,
So here's to the laughter, the sorrow, the dreams,
I'll hold you close in my memories’ seams.

Now I sit here, lost in their glow,
Wishing for the days of long ago,
But life moves on, it swells and it falls,
Leaving me here with these bittersweet calls.

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About "Whispers of Yesterday"
  • Song Idea:

    Write a song about a middle aged man reminiscing about his friends and the fun they had together growing up in a small town. The mischief they would get up to on the weekends, in clubs and pubs, Drinking and smoking, meeting at one's house before all going out together. swimming in rivers and lakes, camping, music, playing in bands, driving cars, girls, slowly losing contact with each other as they get older and go off to do different things and careers. Missing the old days of absolutely no worries and friendship. Make it sentimental, sad even. Have the song build to a crescendo lyrically to an outcome of loss. The story is a tragedy, but only reveal the tragedy at the end.  
    Use these lyrics from Tom Waits song Kentucky Avenue as inspiration
    Eddie Grace's buick
    Got four bullet holes in the side
    Charley Delisle is sittin' at the top
    Of an avocado tree
    Mrs Storm will stab you with a steak knife
    If you step on her lawn
    I got a half a pack of lucky strikes man
    So come along with me Let's fill our pockets
    With macadamia nuts
    And go over to Bobby Goodmanson's
    And jump off the roof Hilda plays strip poker
    When her mama's across the street
    Joey Navin sky says she put
    Her tongue in his mouth
    Dicky Faulkner's got a switchblade
    And some gooseneck risers
    That eucalyptus is a hunchback
    There's a wind down from the south So let me tie you up with kite string
    I'll show you the scabs on my knee
    Watch out for the broken glass
    Put your shoes and socks on
    And come along with me Let's follow that fire truck
    I think your house is burning down
    Then go down to the hobo jungle
    And kill some rattlesnakes with a trowel And we'll break all the windows
    In the old Anderson place
    We'll steal a bunch of boysenberrys
    And smear 'em on your face I'll get a dollar from my mama's purse
    Buy that skull and crossbones ring
    And you can wear it round your neck
    On an old piece of string Then we'll spit on Ronnie Arnold
    And flip him the bird
    Slash the tires on the school bus
    Now don't say a word I'll take a rusty nail
    Scratch your initials in my arm
    I'll show you how to sneak up on the roof
    Of the drugstore I'll take the spokes from your wheelchair
    And a magpie's wings
    And I'll tie 'em to your shoulders
    And your feet I'll steal a hacksaw from my dad
    Cut the braces off your legs
    And we'll bury them tonight
    Out in the cornfield Just put a church key in your pocket
    We'll hop that freight train in the hall
    We'll slide all the way down the drain
    To New Orleans in the fall

  • Created: August 9, 2024
  • Views: 18