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The Eve of Valor
The Unity Chorale

A powerful choral song that exudes patriotism while acknowledging the somber reality of sacrifice. 'The Eve of Valor' by The Unity Chorale serenades the bravery of soldiers heading to battle, honoring their courage and the ultimate price some will pay to ensure the nation's rise. The heartfelt lyrics pay homage to the fallen and assure that the nation's endurance is backed by divine support.


Verse 1
Beneath the sky so vast and clear
Our soldiers march, there's no fear
With hearts of iron, nerves of steel
For nation’s call, their fate they seal

Though some may fall and never rise
Their spirit soars, beyond the skies
God’s grace will shine, on fields so wide
Our homeland strong, with them beside

Verse 2
In dawn's first light, our flag will wave
Their legacy, the path they pave
Through valleys dark, and mounts so high
With hope they fight, with honor die

Though some may fall and never rise
Their spirit soars, beyond the skies
God’s grace will shine, on fields so wide
Our homeland strong, with them beside

For every heart that beats in time
For every soul, a nation’s chime
We'll sing their song, we'll tell their tale
In unity, we’ll never fail

Though some may fall and never rise
Their spirit soars, beyond the skies
God’s grace will shine, on fields so wide
Our homeland strong, with them beside

In sacred trust, our hearts align
With God above, our souls entwine
We'll carry forth their sacrifice
Our nation stands, at any price

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About "The Eve of Valor"
  • Song Idea:

    It's a a choral song about soldiers going off to fight for a nation and its very patriotic but also kind of somber as it speaks of those who falls so that the nation may rise and how the nation will always stand as God backs it.

  • Created: July 17, 2024
  • Views: 27