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The Broadway Blowout
Joe Biden & Donald Trump

Experience the political clash with 'The Broadway Blowout,' a show-stopping duet by Joe Biden and Donald Trump. This explicit, witty, and darkly humorous showtune lets you witness history's most infamous political rivals as they exchange cutting insults in Broadway's over-the-top fashion. Perfect for fans of political satire and theatrical drama.


Act 1:
Oh, Trump, you've left a trail of tweets behind,
Just like your policies, they're lagging, slow, and blind.
Could you clear this stage like you did your bankrupt stakes?
Your time's over, man, give it up for goodness' sakes.

Biden, you're the king of gaffes and sleepy times,
Your mumbling speeches are nothing but empty rhymes.
Look at the crowd, they know you can't deal,
Not a day goes by when you don't trip or kneel.

Act 2:
You think you're clever with your nicknames and lies,
But the only wall you built was around your alibis.
Your orange glow can't hide your shady ties,
It's game over, Trump, read the room, hear their sighs.

Biden, you're a puppet on a string of the left,
Your policies are theft, our nation now bereft.
Can't you see we're tired of your socialist schemes?
Your legacy will fade, just like your meme dreams.

Act 3:
I'll give you credit, you've got quite the flair,
But it's all a distraction for hot air.
The spotlight's on me, it's my final show,
You're just an understudy, time for you to go.

Biden, you're a relic of ancient days,
Your whispers to the wind, in a foggy haze.
One term will seal you as a blundered phase,
Time to end this act, and cut the phrase.

We dance, we taunt, in this theater grand,
A circus of chaos, a political stand.
But remember, folks, it’s all just an act,
A show filled with drama, and cold hard fact.

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About "The Broadway Blowout"
  • Song Idea:

    biden and trump duet, insulting eachother, broadway, showtune, explicit. 8 line verses, witty

    6 line verses, dark humor, political jabs

  • Created: July 11, 2024
  • Views: 25